Elizabeth City State University provides students with a high-quality, affordable education as one of North Carolina’s leading four-year public institutions that is part of the University of North Carolina System. ECSU develops leaders who are courageous, resilient, and empowered through excellent student-centered, experiential learning. We offer baccalaureate, professional, and master’s degrees across a wide variety of interests. Excellence is the standard at Elizabeth City State University – success is our legacy. Come to Discover. Leave to Conquer. Visit www.ecsu.edu.
ECSU to Offer Help to Families
During Statewide FAFSA Day
Some Students Eligible for Scholarships
ECSU to Offer Help to Families During Statewide FAFSA Day
By Leha Byrd | Jan 24, 2024

ECSU Part of Statewide FAFSA Day
Jan. 24, 2024
Leha Byrd
ECSU Communications and Marketing
ELIZABETH CITY, N.C. (Jan. 24, 2024) - Elizabeth City State University (ECSU) will participate in Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Day, Saturday, January 27, 2024.
Across the state, FAFSA Day is an opportunity for universities to provide support for families with questions
about the recently overhauled FAFSA form. Assistance is available from 9 a.m. to noon
on the first floor of the ECSU Welcome Center. The FAFSA is a critical tool for college goers seeking grants, scholarships, loans,
and other forms of student financial aid.
For North Carolinians from low- and middle-income families, a completed FAFSA is
the only application needed to determine eligibility for the Next NC Scholarship.
This scholarship will award a minimum of $5,000 to attend any University of North
Carolina (UNC) System institution.
The Next NC Scholarship combines federal Pell grants and state-funded financial aid
to provide students enough money to cover half, if not all, of their tuition and fees
at any UNC System institution. Students with greater need can qualify for even more
support. The scholarship also covers the entirety of tuition and fees at any of the
state’s 58 community colleges. Eligibility requirements include North Carolina residency,
a high school diploma or equivalent, and a household income requirement of $80,000
or less.
“The Next NC Scholarship is yet another example of how North Carolina is making higher
education more accessible and affordable,” said UNC System President Peter Hans. “We’ve
worked to streamline this effort for years because we understand that for many, financial
aid is the deciding factor between going to college or not. The Next NC scholarship
provides money for college that students don’t have to pay back — a tremendous opportunity
for North Carolinians from all corners of our state.”
North Carolina’s median household income is $66,186, according to data collected by the United States Census Bureau from 2018-22. About 55% of all North Carolina households would qualify for the Next NC Scholarship,
according to data provided by the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority.
Follow this link for more information about FAFSA Day and a map of participating institutions. Additional
information about the Next NC Scholarship can be found here.